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European Economic Governance and the Future of the European Democracy

Sixth European Seminar on the Future of the European Union

European Economic Governance and the Future of the European Democracy

Rome - Ventotene, August 28-30 2015


rom Intergovernmental to Federal Economic Governance

Friday 28 August 2015


Jörg Haas
Jacques Delors Institut, Berlin
Substance and Process: The Five Presidents Report and the Path towards a Stronger Euro Area
Ivo Maes
National Bank of Belgium, Catholic University of Leuven
Alexandre Lamfalussy: which Lessons for EMU from a Founding Father of the Euro? 
Fabio Masini
University of Roma Tre
Changing the Nature of Economic Governance in Europe
Guido Montani
University of Pavia
Either a German Europe or a Democratic Government. The Future of European Integration after the Greek Crisis
Andreas Wilkens
University of Metz
Germany and the European Monetary Union in a Historical Perspective 

European Democracy: Which Model for the EU?

Saturday 29 August 2015


Yves Bertonicini
Institut Jacques Delors, Paris
Improving EMU
Pier Virgilio Dastoli
Italian Council of the European Movement, Rome
Separation of Powers and Check and Balances in a Federal European Constitutional System
Andrew Duff
Spinelli Group
A Quest for Government
David Grace
James Madison Trust, London
Not how, but what: Policy not Process
Ingolf Pernice
Von Humboldt Institute, Berlin
EU Democratic Legitimacy and Multilevel Constitutionalism in the Digital Age